Each year, children around the world eagerly anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus and his team of magical reindeer. But do you ever wonder what these famous reindeer eat to stay energized for their long journey on Christmas Eve? While they may seem like mystical creatures, their dietary habits aren’t all that different from regular reindeer. However, their unique role does add a bit of holiday magic to their menu.

The Basics: What Reindeer Typically Eat

In the wild, reindeer, also known as caribou in North America, are herbivores. Their diet mainly consists of lichen, a type of symbiotic organism that grows in arctic and subarctic regions where reindeer are commonly found. Lichen, specifically “reindeer moss,” is a staple in their diet because it’s abundant in their natural habitat and is highly nutritious. In the winter, when food is scarce, lichen provides reindeer with the energy they need to survive in cold, harsh environments.

In addition to lichen, reindeer also eat other vegetation such as grasses, leaves, and shrubs during the warmer months. They are known to dig through the snow with their hooves to find these food sources, showcasing their adaptability to their environment.

Santa’s Reindeer: A Special Diet for a Special Team

Santa’s reindeer, however, are no ordinary reindeer. As magical creatures, they need more than just lichen and grass to fuel their incredible journey around the world in a single night. According to various legends and stories, Santa’s reindeer have a diet that’s as special as their ability to fly.

Magical Lichen: It’s said that Santa’s reindeer eat a special kind of lichen that’s even more potent than what wild reindeer consume. This “magical lichen” is believed to provide them with the energy to soar through the sky, pulling Santa’s sleigh across the globe. The lichen might be infused with a touch of Christmas magic, giving the reindeer their extraordinary strength and stamina.

Carrots and Apples: Many children leave out snacks for Santa’s reindeer on Christmas Eve, often in the form of carrots and apples. While these treats are not part of a wild reindeer’s diet, they are a welcome addition for Santa’s team. Carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals, and apples provide a sweet, juicy treat that adds a bit of variety to their diet. Some believe that these snacks, offered with love and care, add to the reindeer’s magical abilities.

Reindeer Feed: In some modern interpretations of the Christmas story, Santa’s reindeer are given “reindeer feed,” a special blend of oats, hay, and other nutritious ingredients, sometimes sprinkled with glitter or “magic dust.” This feed is designed to be a high-energy meal that helps them maintain their strength and speed throughout the night.

Magic Dust: Another popular element in the reindeer’s diet is “magic dust,” which is believed to be sprinkled on their food or directly onto the reindeer themselves. This dust is said to be the secret ingredient that enables them to fly. Whether it’s real stardust or just a bit of Christmas magic, it’s a crucial part of their pre-flight preparation.

And, when they need a special treat, they love to eat Mrs. Claus’ Chocolate Chip Cookies.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Like any athlete preparing for a big event, Santa’s reindeer need to be in peak condition for their Christmas Eve journey. Proper nutrition ensures they have the energy and stamina required to travel the world in a single night, delivering joy to children everywhere. While lichen, carrots, apples, and reindeer feed provide them with the nutrients they need, it’s the magic dust that truly sets them apart, enabling them to defy gravity and bring the magic of Christmas to life.

So, when you leave out treats for Santa’s reindeer this year, remember that you’re contributing to their incredible journey. A few carrots, an apple, and perhaps a sprinkle of magic dust might be just what they need to make it through the night.